
The Dresden Rose (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 19)

 The Dresden Rose (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 19)

The Dresden Rose Stitchery Collection was owned and operated by mother-in-law who, you recall, comes from a line of talented needleworkers. Her store was in business from about 1988-2004 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Huron Pride Rutabaga Bag - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 7)

Huron Pride Rutabaga Bag - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 7)

This belonged to my father who, in his late high school and early college years (late 1960s), worked at a grocery store where he picked up this Exeter Produce & Storage Huron Pride Rutabagas burlap bag. He turned it into a piece of “art” that is enjoyed, off and on, today.

Public School Geography (Canada, 1905) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 2)

Public School Geography (Canada, 1905) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 2)

This “Public School Geography” book came from my wife’s collection. It was published in Toronto Canada by the Canada Publishing Co. in 1905. It cost 75 cents and believe to a Miss Bessie Millson.

Bank of Montreal Hockey Team Reimagined in Full Color (1895)

Bank of Montreal Hockey Team Reimagined in Full Color (1895)

Colorized by Okkama Colorizations at The Psychogenealogist (2019). The 1895 Bank of Montreal Hockey Team is reimagined in full, glorious color! Can you help us find their stories?

Pic of the Week (#139) - Burlington Boy Rides Fake Horse (1919)

Pic of the Week (#139) - Burlington Boy Rides Fake Horse (1919)

Is this boy at a Burlington Railway (Ontario, Canada) station in 1919 or 1920? Can you help me find and tell his story?